Zero Carbon Britain: A Climate Emergency Action Plan – Deana DiBenedetto

Today we spent our second day at the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT). While we were there, we went to a presentation led by a man named Paul Allen regarding Zero Carbon Britain: Rethinking the Future. While I had already learned so much at the CAT, I felt like my horizons were expanded even further today.

Zero Carbon Britain (ZCB) is a scenario that demonstrates how the United Kingdom as a whole can confront and overcome climate change. In fact, this plan estimates that it would be possible to reduce the UK’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to net zero by 2030 using only currently available technology and whilst maintaining a modern standard of living that is socially acceptable.

In order to do so, we must both “power down” and “power up”. In powering down, the UK would work to be more efficient in regards to their energy consumption and would also work to reduce the amount of energy being consumed as a whole. This would include improving heating in buildings by better insulating walls and reducing drafts, as well as traveling less and differently through the use of public transportation, more walking and cycling, and electric vehicles.

On the other hand, powering up means the UK would turn to renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydro-energy. This would also entail the nation having proper storing methods as well so that excess energy that is generated but not being used at the time can be held for a later time.

Transitioning to a nation with zero carbon emissions will require new conversations to take place, as there are economic, cultural, and psychological barriers to change. However, I truly believe that we can work together to challenge norms, overcome wider systemic barriers, and form a cultural shift regarding environmental sustainability in the weeks, months, and years to come.

What do you think? Will Wales and the rest of the United Kingdom be able to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030?

-Deana DiBenedetto

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