Climate Solutions vs. Climate Changes

Paul Allen of the Centre for Alternative Technology said it well this morning: the science is irrefutable on climate change…”been there and done that” as climate change is already locked into the system. What humanity needs now more than ever are positive stories of the many already existing climate solutions and responses that civil society, governments and many businesses are embracing to work towards zero net carbon by 2050. To be clear: making zero net carbon happen is a real challenge, as it involves changing how hundreds of millions of people think and live. There are daunting systemic barriers to overcome: in politics and government, economics and finance, values, psychology and behavior and in communications. But the stories we communicate and the examples we set are crucial to the movement, and education centers such as Centre for Alternative Technology, campaigns such as Zero Carbon Britain, declarations of climate change emergencies worldwide including in Machynlleth, and efforts such as the Climate Literacy Project are helping to set examples of the positive “multi-solving” and interdisciplinary responses ongoing to address climate change. 

Paul Allen of Zero Carbon Britain and the Centre for Alternative Technology

As Nick Campion and Luci Attala of the UWTSD Lampeter campus shared with us in the is about connections and relationships…focusing on wholeness and the connections between the emotional, physical, and intellectual…as considered by the Harmony Institute at UWTSD -Jeff

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