The Animals of Wales – Abby French

Today we visited the Museum of Welsh Life. The area modeled Welsh homes, gardens, and other buildings throughout the centuries. It had everything from clay homes to castles. However, my favorite display at the museum was the animals.

Sleepy Piglets- they snore!

The Museum of Welsh Life made clear that farm animals have been integral to the nation for centuries. Not a day goes by here that we do not see field after field of grazing sheep and cows.

Sheep and Cows!

While I love animals, there is a problem with a nation that raises grazers. A huge quantity of the land in Wales is set aside for sheep and cattle. This means trees and other native flora are unable to grow in the way they naturally should. Additionally, a large amount of farm land is dedicated to growing food for these animals instead of the Welsh people. I am happy to see cattle grazing in green fields instead of covered in mud as they would be in the U.S., however I can’t help but feel there is a more sustainable solution. For now, I think I’ll just enjoy the animals!

This guy was camera ready!

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